Family Worship Center began out of a vision the Assemblies of God had to start 5,000 new churches by the year 2000. Erie First Assembly had moved from the inner city to their current location on Oliver Rd, but felt that God was leading them to plant a church in the heart of the city of Erie.
The furniture store know as Stanley Brothers on the corner of 12th & Parade was purchased. The first floor was renovated into a 300 seat sanctuary and on Valentine's Day, February 14, 1993, the first services were held under the leadership of Pastor James Collins.
The church thrived and accomplished much in the early days. Pastor Collins led the church until 1999. When Pastor Collins left, Jack Risner Sr. became interim pastor until David Bemis was selected as the next pastor. Under Pastor Bemis, the upstairs was renovated with classrooms, a full-sized kitchen, and restrooms. Pastor Bemis led the church until he retired in 2014. When Pastor Bemis retired, Ron Swanson became the interim pastor until the Pastor Jamie Smith assumed the role in August of 2015. A lot of renovation was done on the building under Pastor Jamie's leadership.
In February of 2018, Family Worship Center celebrated its 25th Anniversary as a church with an event featuring all the previous lead pastors for a kick-off celebration, banquet, and Anniversary service. God is growing the church and making a difference in our community.